Tuesday 7 October 2014

Morning Maths!

The first thing we do each day is work on our maths skills! We work at stations to complete tasks like.....

Playing the caterpillar ordering game on the interactive whiteboard!

Making Sets by rolling the dice and putting spots on our ladybirds!


Putting together number jigsaws!


Using playdough to make sets of stars for our rockets!!

Making patterns with pegs and pegboards!

Making patterns using cubes!

We are really becoming marvelous mathematicians!!

Gruffalo? What's a Gruffalo?

He has terrible tusks and terrible claws and terrible teeth in his terrible jaws…
He has knobbly knees and turn-out toes and a poisonous wart at the end of his nose…
His eyes are orange and his tongue is black. He has purple prickles all over his back……
He’s the GRUFFALO!
We read ‘The Gruffalo’ by Julia Donaldson. We really enjoyed listening to and retelling the story. We used stick puppets to retell the story in our small world play!
We drew fantastic pictures of the Gruffalo and the other animals in the story! We used our books to help us get the details just right!!

We made a snake,  wings for the owl, tails for the mouse and fox, claws for the gruffalos paw and filled in the missing parts of the gruffalos face using play dough!
SAM_1666  SAM_1668 SAM_1669    
You can hear the story of the Gruffalo here!!

Colourful Counting Caterpillars!

We made these colourful counting caterpillars! 

We had to cut out the numbers 1 2 3 4 and 5 and stick them on the caterpillar to make his body! 
We did a great job!



We played a game to help us get it right! Click on the link below to play the game at home!

We have 5 senses!

We have been learning all about our 5 senses - sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell! Our senses help us find out about the world around us!

We learned the 5 senses song!

Sid the science kid helped us to find out about our senses!!
Click on the link below Sid to play the senses game at home!

We explored our sense of sight by doing some spot the differences! You can practice too! Just click on the link below!

 Spot the Difference!

We explored our sense of sound by listening to sounds from around the house and trying to identify them! We played a game to match the sound to the thing that makes it! You can play too... just click on the link below!

Owl Babies!

We read the story Owl Babies by Martin Waddell and we loved it! 

We drew wonderful pictures of the owl babies. 


We retold the story in our small world! We also made up new adventures for the owl babies! It was great fun! 



You can watch the story of the owl babies below!!